Here we are with
another new year in front of us (they just keep comin’!). Let’s
explore what energies are available to all of us this year…
Numerologically, the number 2013 reduces to a 6 vibration
because you just add all the numbers together to get to 6, but because
so many people are calling it Twenty Thirteen, we can also add 20 +
13 together to get 33! This is a verrrrry special and rare Master
Number! It’s the magical, mystical number of Enlightenment!
It feels fitting that we’d have a high vibration master number
following the intensity of 2012. It’s time to BE the 33 Master
Teacher or Master Healer, whichever resonates more strongly with you.
The 33 vibration this year really urges us to increase our frequencies
to vibrate to: Unconditional LOVE and compassion. To plug our heart
into Source. To expect magic to happen. To co-create from the heart!
But don’t overlook the power of 13 – Rebirth! Check it out,
The following excerpts are from the excellent book, "Numerology
and the Divine Triangle" by Faith Javane and Dusty Bunker -
my all time favourite numerology book published in 1979.
Let's look at the energy of '20' first:
Turning points, decisions, awareness, adaptability,
Sudden events require you to make a decision that could be a turning
point in your life. A change of location, a new job or a fresh relationship
demands new thoughts, feelings and actions from you. Be able to see
alternatives, the pros and cons. In this way you will learn much about
yourself and how adaptable you are. If you accurately weigh and measure
your present situation or any situation presented to you during this
year, you will formulate a profitable plan that can be implemented in
the near future.
You are experiencing a period of growth; future realizations are now
germinating. Ingest, assimilate and create form from the energies operating
here. It is a fine planning period. Come to reasoned conclusions, and
the cyclical force will see your plans manifested soon.
'13' - probably the most important number vibration for this
year because it is a significant number in itself and the thirteenth
year into our two thousands.
Change, release, transformation
Thirteen has always been feared as the death number, and indeed, it
does represent death, but not in the ordinary sense. Death is merely
change. When we are born into this life, we die from another level of
existence. When we marry, we die as a single entity and are reborn as
a duo. When the struggling artist receives recognition, she dies overnight
as an unknown and is reborn as a famous individual. Change is simultaneous
birth and death. The death connotation of 13 has arisen because most
people respond to its lower side - immersion in fleshly desires and
encapsultation in matter. Death then occurs through destruction and
degeneration of the body. A few people respond to the higher side of
13, which involved complete satisfaction and attainment through regeneration
or using the tremendous powers of this number to create and leave something
of value with the world. There are no halfway measures with this number.
There is enormous potential for ultimate attainment and equally great
potential for complete destruction. It's all or nothing.
Under a 13 you can expected the changes that will bring an end to conditions
that no longer serve a useful purpose in your evolutionary scheme. Any
rigid thought patterns must be altered and crystalized ideas must be
shattered. Only through the death of present circumstances can you be
released - freed to open the door for progress. Old ideas must be swept
away to make room for new and better ones.
Be prepared to meet fresh ideas, new people and stimulating conditions.
A change of plans, a new location and different people open the birth
channel for new opportunities. This is a reconstruction period, which
can bring great happiness if you make the right decisions (*harkens
back to the '20' vibe, nicely!*). The events that occur may not necessitate
physical action on your part, but they will require you to make the
proper assessments.
Change is the basis of earthly manifestation. Upon the wave of change
you can sail to a new fertile land where a fresh lifestyle is possible.
Release from the past is followed by a renewal which brings changes
that promote growth. This is a time to depart, to travel and to grow.
The cyclical force of nature reigns here, as the old is replaced by
the new. "The kind is dead; long live the king."
Responsibliity, self-sacrifice, courage,
magical, mystical, intuition, visionary, compassionate, unconditional
love, Master Healer, Master Teacher and making a positive impact on
33 is the third master number. It is considered an upper octave of Venus
(6 vibration), a love vibration raised to the highest level - compassion.
It is called the Christ Consciousness vibration. You are a teacher of
teachers. You are required to spread your light and you must be willing
to sacrifice for others or for your ideals. This year you are responsible
for some special task; you have accepted this mission with conviction
and an unfaltering steadfastness.
You have entered a period in which you should maintain faith in your
inner abilities. You have been given the opportunity to use your energies
to help others alleviate their problems. They will seek you out and
ask for assistance. You must use discrimination in selecting those tasks
which require your energy. Compassion for others may be given freely;
however, sacrifice for its own safe is self-defeating and wasteful if
not applied to the msot urgent causes.
Special situations will open your eyes and allow you to see into yourself
and perhaps present a purpose for your existence, a clue as to what
direction your life should take."
33 is the Master Teacher. The energy vibration of 33 combines the 11
(intuition, originality) and the 22 (master builder, manifestor) and
brings their potential to another level. When expressed to the fullest,
33 focuses its considerable abilities toward the spiritual uplifting
of mankind. What makes 33 especially impressive, is the high level of
sincere devotion.
*Perfectly, both Cancer and Pisces are associated
with the number 33 because of the compassionate qualities of the signs
AND, interestingly, right now we have Neptune at home in its own sign,
Pisces, and it will be making a beautiful trine with Jupiter in Cancer
off and on for a year starting in the summer of 2013. Verrrrry nice!*
Change in home, redecoration and remodelling, domestic
and community responsibilities, love, beauty, service.
The energies of this period center about your home and community.
This vibration stimulates your artistic sense, which you could put to
constructive use by redecorating or remodelling your home. Putting your
house in order also includes your physical house, your body.
This can be a loving, rewarding and creative period, if you maintain
balance and harmony. Make your home as attractive and warm as possible,
and others will bask in its sunny radiance.
Sooooo, how does that feel?
I've been steeped in the Dolores
Cannon Books (the Convoluted Universe series + the "Three waves
of volunteers and the New Earth" book) the numerology of this year
feels especially signficant....we've got the death of the old, dense
3-D, karmic-wheel style of Earth living in the 13 vibration + the compassionate
service, Light and high frequency energy of the 33 alllllll available
this year - wow!!
Perhaps I should copy some excerpts from her book here....let's see
what I can find...She is a hypnotherapist who puts her clients into
such a deep state that she accesses their Super-Conscious Selves that
answer all questions about any subject matter - pretty wild! So, below,
in italics are Dolores questions and the plain type is her client's
super-conscious reply.
Excerpt from "The Three Waves of
Volunteers and The New Earth"
Dolores Cannon
Dolores' questions
are in italics and the client's super-conscious reply is in plain type.
If we keep each of our universe-selves at peace, and we keep it in balance,
then we are passing the test. Then we can withstand anything. And those
things that are happening in the world are really to test the whole;
all of us.
You mean to not get caught up into the fear?
Yes. Turn the TV off. Don't listen to it. Don't read the paper. Don't
get caught up in it. Your world is what you create here. (Touched her
body again)
In your own body.
Yes. In your own space here. This is your own universe here. If every
person creates peace and harmony in their own universe, then that's
the universe they're creating in that fifth dimensional Earth. The more
people who can create peace and harmony in this body universe, the more
people who will be in that fifth dimensional new Earth. The ones who
can't create peace and harmony in this body universe, are not passing
the test. That's the test.
We're trying to do this to keep the war from happening, or to lessen
it anyway.
I'm being told that it doesn't matter what happens because it's all
a game. It's all a play. And the things that are happening are there
for a reason. And the reason at the moment is to test each human being
to find out where they are in their own evolution. And so if we hold
peace and light here (the body), we don't have to worry about whether
there's a war or not. It's only an illusion anyway.
But right now it seems very real, and it could have
some very disastrous effects.
Yes, but that's fear for each individual. Our job is to help each individual
find peace here (the body). And then, of course, as you bring more people
together, who have peace and harmony within their own body universe,
then instead of the blackness spreading, that spreads. And that creates
this whole new world. All you need to do is focus here (the body) creating
your heaven on Earth. Each human being creating their own paradise
on Earth. That's all you have to do. And coming together
with others who are creating their own paradise on Earth. And then expanding
that energy out. And before you know it, you've changed the world.
You don't even think about the world. What you focus on is what you
create. Think about peace. The main thing people have to understand
is that, what they focus on expands. So, if they focus on, if they can
replace predictions with something that is wonderful that they want,
and expand that. Then they can create their own Paradise on Earth.
I'm being shown in your book The Convoluted Universe (Book 1), you give
a description of thought. I'm being told to remind you about this. You
talk about an energy ball the size of a grapefruit. And that ball has
energy strands. And I'm changing this as I go. Energy strands which
go over each other and transverse each other. And those energy strands
can do anything they like. They can split, and they can become four
energy strands. They can weave. They can multiply. They can go backwards.
They can zip up. They can do absolutely anything. And this is the ball
of possibility. When you think a thought, it doesn't just disappear.
It becomes an energy strand. It becomes energy. It moves into that ball
of possibility. So, imagine your thought becoming energy. And the more
energy you give it, the stronger that becomes. And then it manifests,
and it becomes real. It becomes physical. If you send a thought out
that there's going to be peace. And then you follow it with, "Oh,
but that war is getting worse," or "Those politicians are
making a mistake." You weaken the energy: the positive strand you
brought out. So we have to teach people to send out the positive thought,
and then to reinforce it with more positive thoughts. And we have to
teach them that when one of those negative thoughts comes into their
mind, not to just let it go, but to replace it with a positive thought.
So that they're adding to that energy ball of possibility. They're contributing
to it. We have to teach them to do that. They do not know how to do
And, everyone is working to change the Earth. And the driving force
must come from love and service."
was an excerpt from "The Three Waves of Volunteers and The New
Earth" by DoloresCannon
the Earth = 13
Love and Service = 33 !
So, yeah, I'm looking at the 13 vibration as a death and rebirth of
both our individual selves and the EARTH into a higher vibration, a
higher expression! And the 33 vibration urges us to be in the highest
possible service to All That Is... :)
Let's contribute our positive thought strands to that ball of Possibility
and make it massive and filled with light! Soooo massive that we co-create
Paradise on Earth. YES!
Lots of radiant, sparkly LOVE to you all!
White Crystal Mirror
In Lak'ech