Yellow Solar Seed
Tone 9: Solar - Greater Cycles & Expansion
Yellow Seed is your Conscious Self - who you are and who you are becoming. Yellow Seed is the ordered pattern of growth. You and your life are the fertile soil, and the mystery blooms within you through the power of your intention or seed thoughts. Just as a seed contains the hologram of its completion, the process of manifestation follows a natural order. In this gestation process, your intention is quickened by Spirit. The charged seed, your true desire or vision, becomes the focus for germination. What can you open that will support receptivity and assist the germination of your seed intentions? Envision the seed receiving the invitation to grow in the openness of your world. Viscerally feel the possibility of your heart's dream emerging. Your true desires and dreams contain an innate intelligence that can break through even the rigidity of fixed expectations. Planting a new seed, even in the hard soil of old belief systems, can bring unexpected magic and growth. Be willing to break open the constraining shells of past patterns, the shackles of belief structures. Call forth your creative involvement with life. This involvement frees and awakens the powerful energy of the life force, shifting your perceptions and experience, catalyzing the manifestation of your dreams. Participate spontaneously in your growth, unrestricted by the illusion of old structures that once provided safety. Move forward into the light of new possibilities. Offer your dream-seed to the universe. In the ordered patterning of the light, align with your heart's greater purpose. In gratitude, surrender and release the seed to the benefit of your growth and its own pattern of perfection. The number for Yellow Seed is four, the vibration of measure.
This is the number of cycles and seasons. It represents the ordered
patterning of the light wherein, as Jose Arguelles says, "form
learns to generate its own seed." The number four represents the
freed pattern of form, the germination of specific seeds co-created
with Spirit. If you are in the process of seeding something, meditate
with the number four and the energy of Yellow Seed to assist
you. Yellow Sun is your Higher Self & Guide. "I Am that I Am...I Am that I Am...I Am that I Am."
This mantra of Yellow Sun is a meditation for accessing the I Am presence
that contains great power and universal truth. Yellow Sun is the mystery
unveiled, the simplicity of unconditional love and limitless bliss.
Known by many names, Yellow Sun is the Solar Lord, the Mind of Light,
the Center that is also your center. Yellow Sun is your solar home,
the Great Central Sun. Open your heart as a flower to the Sun, and become the same love that holds universes together!
Sit in simple relationship to the Earth, like a poet enraptured
in a forest. Be rooted where you are now. Out of synergistic centeredness,
you will receive your greatest desires and open to the full flowering
of the mystic power of the universe. This synchronization can be seen
as the alignment of your personal myth with the greater myth of our
times. Myth is the framework or "story" in which the truth
of the cosmos is revealed in symbolic form. Utilize it to catalyze your
unfolding alignment. Take off your shoes. Touch the one Earth. Find a place to dance with the sacred hoop of life. Contribute your vision as an awakened member of the global rainbow family!
White Wizard represents your Challenge and Gift. With maturity and awareness this challenge will turn into a Focus. This is what you desire to learn in this lifetime. One shadow of White Wizard can be seen in issues regarding integrity. Integrity comes from an intention to be honest and true to yourself and others. Having integrity means that you can be trusted to do what you say you will do. It also means that your actions are congruent with your feelings. Integrity comes from a deep connection with self. It is characterized by a willingness to speak your truth, to address your shadow issues honestly, and to complete issues with yourself and others. White Wizard also reveals issues of control and personal power. Look into your life to see how these issues might be manifesting. Do you sometimes feel a need to hold on, to control, to have things your way? Is your personal will combined with a desires for recognition, approval, status, or fame? This society may have rewarded you for functioning from a place of personal power. Many people in this shadow seem calculating and controlling, using their minds without alliance to their hearts. The need for control arises when you feel insecure or no longer connected to that which creates meaning and satisfaction in your life. Similarly, people who view power as something outside themselves may see magic as the art of controlling people and nature. This perception creates it's own lessons. In this shadow, you may unconciously bend or distort data. Some magicians may even feel justified in using their personl power to bolster their self-assurance or to manipulate others. In the darkest part of this shadow, manipulation is enacted for the sheer pleasure of power. Everyone may be willful from time to time while learning how to align personal will with divine will. In this process, let your heart show you the way. Face your insecurities and step into who you truly are - a wise and powerful uman being, a magician of living. As you open to divine will, you will naturally resolve issues of personal will and power. White Wizard also offers you an opportunity to create allies out of your fears and insecurities. Perhaps you are carrying issues from past lifetimes - deep wounds that create present issues of pain, anger or betrayal. These experiences may be clouding your vision. In order to acquire clear sight, begin to interact with and integrate these shadow teachers. The foundation for this integration is creating an ally of fear and a loving acceptance of all aspects of yourself. This heals the underlying structure that supports ego and insecurity. It also quiets the mind and aligns it with the heart, taking you into a space of clarity and self-empowerment. Develop a clear connection with divine will and your Essence Self. Be transparent, innocently allowing magic to come through you rather than needing to create it. Open to heart-knowing and limitless possibilities.
Blue Eagle reminds you to step powerfully into your commitment
as a planetary server! Your assignment includes whatever furthers your
personal evolution and the evolution of global mind. You are an awakener,
a transformer, an empowered gloal visionary. In your vision, you have
compassion for others, and your decisions are made in the light of global
consciousness. Ask yourself how you might experience compassion toward
self, the Earth, and others. Be guided towards types of work, relationships,
places to live, and projects that will benefit the Earth and her creatures.
Allow your spirit to expand. Soar on your spreading wings and planetary
perspective. Affirm: "Through your, Gaia, I am also transformed!
I am awakening as the return of divine love and light. We are all one.
Gaia, as you awaken, I heal myself. As I awaken, you are healed, and
together our petals open ecstatically to the new Sun of Flowers."
Completion, expansion, mastery, larger cycles of time, fulfillment, grand design. Nine is the ray of greater cycles, the foundation of self opening to the four points of measure and cycle. It is the grand design, the unfolding order of the larger pattern. With the Solar tone of nine, you are being offered the embrace of longed-for completion. Fulfill your pattern, your circle. Embody the mastery and wisdom you came to express. This ray asks you to be rather than try to be. Embody the wisdom of the larger cycles. Become the one who shines the light for others. You are the humanitarian whose being unfolds the larger pattern of the new world. In the grand cycle of time, nine is the number of completion and expansion. What is it that you are being asked to complete? Can you see the clues to this lifetime of completion? As you expand, shed old patterns that do not support your growth. Receive completion's fulfillment. You are poised on an arc of a grand cycle of time. In this cycle, time and space fold, past and future merge, and lifetimes meld in completion. Join in the fulfillment of the mystery of the triple triangle by offering your mystery to be woven into the larger loom of reality.
*** These excerpts were taken from the book, "The Mayan Oracle - Return Path to the Stars" by Ariel Spilsbury & Michael Bryner - Click here to email Ariel and purchase a signed copy! |