The New Myth is calling us to Wakefulness...

June 8, 2010



Hello everybody...I swear this will be my last note! (until a new one crops up, that is!) Honestly, what seemed to happen is that all of these notes came up to the surface and wanted to be expressed within just a few days so I've had to spread them out - and this is the last one of that series. I hope it resonates...

June 8th, when Uranus and Jupiter were exactly conjunct in Aries at 0 degrees 18 minutes:

I'm at the beach this morning and my intention was to just pull a card for myself (since I pulled a couple for y'all yesterday) because something I had viewed had pulled me out of my place of sweet inspiration (Blue Overtone Monkey!) and I had fallen into a state of mind poisoned with anger, helplessness and sadness over the apparent state of our world. I had lost sight of the big, beautiful picture and was enmeshed in this small, disempowering position. This wasn't doing me or the world any good, right? I knew this but oooooh it's so hard's always about remembering...I don't know why I forget all the time, ya know??

So, I wanted to pull a card for just myself that would guide me away from the feeling of being powerless when faced with the ugliness that some human beings perpetrate on this earth...

Sooooooo I let two cards (this time individually, not together!) fall from the deck and when I read them I thought that perhaps others would benefit from hearing this too? Surely others despair and lose sight sometimes too?

Here they are:

I pulled one Lens: The New Myth (8) How appropriate!!! and one Tone: Manifestation - Tone 10 (Planetary energy).

Amazing amazing! spirits lifted as this super clear message quickly found it's way into my heart.


The New Myth

Child of the Sun, you are being called to wakefulness, to your place in the new myth. A great miracle is coming for planet Earth, and the time is now. A new consciousness will be created by the children of the Sun as they ascend with the Earth to a new place among the stars. A new harmonic of light and sound, a golden octave, is being sounded on Earth, ringing in the frequencies of ecstasy, union, and unconditional love.

Child of the Sun, why did you come to Earth? You are the miracle of the new myth unfolding. You came to Earth with a purpose, a plan, a master "blueprint" encoded in your feelings. Live in harmony with that plan. Open your world to the Great Mystery. You are being asked to view your experiences from a mythical standpoint so that you remember your connection to the larger pattern.

Notice the metaphors of your daily life. They key to your personal myth is presenting itself. Your everyday world is infused with a vast mosaic of metaphorical meaning. Everything you do is relevant to the creation of your personal myth, as well as the larger meta-myth.

From now on, there are no more roadmaps, no more creeds, no more philosophies. From here on, your direction comes straight from the universe, moment by moment. This is the path of innocence, the path of trust. Here, each step is walked only once, and the universe speaks in the voice of the present.
Feel the key to the kingdom in your heart. Know that, like the pull of the heavenly bodies, love is neither taken nor given but discovered and allowed. No one is without love, for love is the force that holds universes together. By simply embodying love, you are living the new myth that will create the wave home. Surrender to love and awaken, child of the Sun!


Manifestation (Tone 10)
Passkey to true identity in this and all worlds, unlock the gates to the Great Mystery manifesting through you.

Ten is the ray of manifestation, the foundation of individual self manifesting its true identity, the foundation of Essence Self. A potent manifestation awaits you. Two worlds combine. The key to manifestation in all realms is through clear intention and the embodiment of your divine essence. What does your heart desire to manifest? Begin by aligning with your essence. Essence aligned with intention creates an etheric thoughtform, an "energy matrix image." As long as it is unrestricted by limiting beliefs, the energy pattern emerges and evolves. As it evolves, it aligns with the larger pattern until finally it is released into manifestation.

In receiving ten, you are being asked to look carefully at your own foundations. What structures and belief systems is your reality build on? What foundations motivate your choices? You are now creating a new foundation, walking into all that you are - your Essence Self. As the foundation of your Essence Self emerges, others will recognize your true identity. When you are in resonance with the universe, manifestation is a natural by-product.Great advice don't you think?

Excerpts from the book, The Mayan Oracle, by Ariel Spilsbury and Michael Bryner

Planetary (Tone 10 - Manifestation) energy reminds us to keep our intention to co-create a world that is healthy and thriving in the forefront of our thoughts and actions - because, it's only through these intentions that we can actually help transform the ugliness into beauty and love. YES.

As I was writing this I thought: what kind of world DO I want to co-create? I actually took a few hours to think about it and I suggest you guys do too! If we don't know what we want, how can we intend it? I noticed that I had a lot of vague ideas about what kind of world I wanted to co-create - but I fine tuned the ideas (which I think is a really important thing to do) to....

I'd like to co-create a world that is...buzzing with LIFE...a world where Nature, Human Beings and all our endeavours live harmoniously.

An Earth that loves Human Beings and Human Beings that love and appreciate the beauty, benevolence and abundance of the Earth and our time spent here.

A world inhabited by people imbued with a Natural Intelligence in tune with Nature, her processes and our own divine origins and essence!

The New Myth energy supports us in creating a New Myth - yay! As I was walking back from the beach on the jungle road a thought came into my mind:"I, for one, am going to reject that age old programmed idea that it's just 'human nature' to be warring....I'm even going to reject the idea that there is always some power-hungry bastard to rise to the power-position in society and ruin everything! I no longer believe that any of this is truly 'human nature'. I am liberating these human-potential-restricting thoughts!"

I encourage you all to kick at the barricade of dry old assumed ideas that will liberate the new myth, too. If we don't like the old myth we can...all together now!...change it!

I think this idea is becoming more and more obvious with each month that passes, don't ya think?
A friend of mine (he might be your friend, too!) Rob Record is kicking at the barricade with this idea: "The biggest hoaxes in history had to do with convincing ordinary people that war was necessary."

We truly are the ones we've been waiting for.

It's the Birth of Something New and we're all here to participate in co-creating it!

Oh - and when I got back from my beach, card-pulling, jungle-walking morning and logged onto my computer a friend (thanks William!) had left an oh-so-perfect link on my wall - another astrologers take on the Uranus/Jupiter, of course, totally re-inforced the ideas of my morning. Take a look!

I'll leave you with the excerpt from the link:
The world is changing. Old structures collapse. Fond thought forms are dying. Every assumption you were taught about the way things are is an offering you're being summoned to place in the fire. For too long dreams have been stalled, soul fires dampened. Evolution sputtered, raged, and stalled. Now, like in the 1960s, blasts of willpower are shaking the rafters. Your part is to believe the future can be better than the past. Your part is to let your old life blow away and make way for who you really are.

Super sparkly divine energy springing from you all!

White Crystal Mirror

About this photo:
1. The New Myth - resonates with Tone 8: Galactic and Yellow Star energy

2. My amazing '10' rock that I found at my foot on a pebbly beach in Sooke, BC, Canada in 2002. There is a perfectly formed Cresent Moon within a Full/New Moon shape on the other side. I treasure this rock. New Beginnings I thought back then (which did come true when I moved to Mexico) and now I keep wondering if it was indicating the year 2010 as significant new beginnings....claro que si!

3. Tone 10 - Manifestation. Each bar is worth 5. Two bars signifies your foundation of self + essence self.