following summary describes the Basic Cayce Diet recommended for healing
and health maintenance for most people.
course, Edgar Cayce was fully aware that every body is different and
that we need to listen to our own individual bodies, too. That said,
here is the basic outline! :)

A red pepper grown
from my own container garden...deeeelicious!
Acid-Alkaline Balance
Cayce frequently emphasized the importance of maintaining a proper
acid-alkaline balance by eating mostly alkaline forming foods.
to Edgar Cayce one's daily diet should contain 80% Alkaline-Forming
Foods and only 20% Acid-Forming Foods.
Alkaline-Forming Foods are:
vegetables except dried beans, lentils, asparagus tips, and
garbanzos. Vegetables should be in the proportions of three
that grow above the ground to one that grows below the ground,
and one leafy vegetable to every one of the pod vegetables.
fresh fruits except cranberries, plums, olives, prunes, and
blueberries (preserves and canned fruits are usually acid-forming).
chestnuts, Brazil nuts, and hazelnuts.
Acid-Forming Foods are:
meats except beef juice and bone meal.
grains, cereals, and bakery products except for soybeans.
dairy except buttermilk, yogurt, raw milk and whey.
pecans, and walnuts.

Click on
any of the food photos to go to my Food
Made with Love page where there are many delicious recipes!
This one is beet (good for your blood and liver), avocado, walnut
or pecan, sauteed mushroom and raw broccoli salad. Mmmm sooo tasty!
Combinations to Avoid as they may cause problems in the digestive
or more starchy foods at the same meal.
foods and starchy foods.
and citrus fruit or juice.
and citrus fruit or juice.
quantities of starchy foods with meat or cheese.
with milk or cream.
apples with other foods. (That's why the 3-Day
Apple Fast is so good for us!)

Fresh passionfruit
Cayce's Quotes on a Alkalinity vs Acidity
an alkalinity is maintained in the system - especially with the lettuce,
carrots and celery, these in the blood supply will maintain such a condition
as to immunize a person."
Colds are often the result, according to the readings, of an unbalancing
of the alkalinity of the system: "Colds cannot - do not exist in
less activities there are in physical exercise or manual activity, the
greater should be the alkaline reacting foods taken. Energies or activities
may burn acids, but those who lead the sedentary life or the non-active
life can't go on sweets or too much starches...these should be well
over-acidity may be produced by overeating of sweets, especially before
sufficient food has been taken at meals."
acidity is produced by taking too much sugar in the system in candies,
and in those properties as were taken before the stomach was filled
with foods, and then overloading the system at such times, or by combining
sweets and starches, or several starches at the same meal."
abundance of vegetables and fruits, especially citrus fruits helps to
maintain the alkalinity of the system. Lemons, especially, are a good
alkalizer, and the readings consistenty recommend adding a little lemon
or lime juice to orange juice.

Daily Menu
Start your Day
with a glass of hot water with lemon or lime.
Either citrus fruit, or cooked or dry cereal.
Raw Vegetable Salad with the Works or fruit salad.
Steamed vegetables served with fish, poultry or lamb.
Edgar Cayce often said that at least one raw meal should be
taken a day so that you receive the vitality and enzymes of
the vegetables and fruits in their natural, most healthy state.

Raw and so refreshing: Organic celery,
red and yellow pepper, garbanzo beans and a squeeze of lime,
a dash of salt and pepper and some olive oil...
food preparation is important to preserve nutrients and avoid toxicity.
vegetables in their own juices (i.e., patapar paper).
fry foods.
fresh, locally grown vegetables and fruits whenever possible.
aluminum cookware.
Take time to deepen your enjoyment of cooking...put on some music,
pour yourself a glass of wine (even Edgar Cayce said that a small
glass of red wine, if tolerated, is a good blood builder and vitality
enhancer :) and really enjoy making the food you are going to
eat. This infuses your food and your mealtimes with very very
positive energy...and that positive energy is ingested by're
actually eating the good vibes you produce......Watch
your health and vitality improve with each meal you make with
love and enjoyment and anticipation....~ |

Warm pears with
nuts and raisins heal any bronchial and lung issues...
and Emotions
Cayce stated that even the most nutritious foods can turn to poison
in the system if eaten while a person is in a negative frame of mind.
Never eat when angry, worried or extremely tired.
says: "True, the body should eat, and should eat slowly; yet when
worried, overtaxed, or when the body cannot make a business of eating
but is eating merely to pass away the time, or just to fill up time
- it is not good. For, the food will not digest, as the body sees."
"It is a great detriment to better physical functioning to overload
the stomach when the body is worried or under any general strain. Equally
bad for the body is to take foods whether or not there is felt the need
or desire for them."

Fresh raw mangoes...