Are you in the Shadow of your Daykeeper?
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In the shadow of Red Dragon are found issues of trust. This can appear as a lack of basic trust in the Source to nurture you and provide what is needed for your journey. Perhaps you do not trust in life's transformational process to bring you the perfect lessons and gifts required for your growth. Primal trust implies the understanding that there are no mistakes and no victims - only lessons, gifts, and growth processes on the way to wholenes. If you perceive that there are no mistakes as you move toward wholeness, then learning to trust the transformational process becomes much easier. Trusting, however, does not mean acting blindly without awareness or waiting without action; it means moving forward with and learning from your journey of experience. No matter what the appearance, whatever manifests in your world actually holds potential gifts on the path to wholeness. In the cycle of giving and receiving, trust is like the lubricant that eases the way for the transformational process. And when you understand that every particle of the universe is made up of love, then trusting can be perceived as a natural state of being. In the shadow of Red Dragon are hidden feelings of unworthiness to receive, often manifested as embarrassment or discomfort when others offer you something. These feelings can stem from many places. Often then stem from early childhood, when your gifts may not have been received or when you heard that "it is better to give than to receive." Or perhaps you developed a reality based on praise for being "self-sufficient" or not owing anyone anything. Regardless of the source, these feelings spring from only a partial truth. You are intrinsically worthy to receive, simply because you are. Love just is, and you are part of the cycle of love. In the shadow of Red Dragon, you may also be overly identified with being a source of support and nurturance for others - the caretaker or a 'cosmic mama.' Giving without receiving is limiting. In Western society we are unknowingly taught to be dependent and co-dependent. Perhaps from an inability or unwillingness to nurture and support yourself, you have abandoned yourself for another. Perhaps you expect that other to know intuitively what your needs are and to meet them without direct communication. As an example, the shadow of Red Dragon might say, "If they really loved me, they would understand how I feel"; or "If I have to ask for it, it's not worth it." In other words, you may be avoiding responsibility for being aware of and communicating your own desires and feelings. In the shadow of Red Dragon there is the belief that love is magical, that relationships should just 'happen', and that love is a need rather than a natural state of being. If you are in the shadow of Red Dragon, you are being encouraged to step into the primal waters of your being to discover the core of your self-acceptance, your intrinsic value, your own wholeness. Find the wellspring of your feelings. Be willing to explore more fully and honestly, expressing your true desires, dreams, and truths. |
In the shadow of White Wind, you may doubt yoru oneness with the Source, feeling that divinity is outside yourself. Not realizing your ability to respond as a co-creator of your reality, you may tend to leave everything up to Spirit. Yet you are Spirit, so it is up to you! If you are waiting, feeling separated from inspiration, attract it through the clarify of your own spiritual intent. Call it forth to manifest in your life. Being aligned and unifed with Spirit, imagine yourself being infused and purified, clearing your neural circuitry with the frequency of White Wind. The transformation held in this shadow can be found in experiencing the inspiration of Spirit, no matter how sublt your perception of it is. Follow your innate guidance. Act on inspiration as it comes to you, without analyzing it. And remember: the breath of Spirit can be as subtle as a fragrance in a breeze. Learn to sense and experience it. Another indication of the shadow of White Wind is feeling constrained by the forms and idioms of organized groups or religions. If you're in this shadow, alarms may go off when you hear words like ceremony, ritual, archetype, heaven, or God. In the Mayan system, words are held in a larger context than is implied in ordinary usage. The word heaven, for example, denotes a particular vibrational frequency and harmonic resonance. There are probably many forms of meditation, ceremony, prayer, and other practices that could serve your spiritual evolution. Appreciate the truth in all forms! Be willing to look at subconscious programs that may impair the experience of forms that do serve your spiritual unfoldment. Consciously release judgments, resentments, or hidden wounds you may have about organized groups and religionns and their participants or practices. Learn to sense and experience your connection with the Divine by acting on inspiration as it comes to you. *in the Mayan Oracle, book, below - there are 3 great Breath Meditations for White Wind* |
One indication of the shadow of Blue Night is being
lost in self, being too inward and subjective. Some experience this
subjectivity as depression. Yet from this place you can learn to face
and free your deepest fears. Instead of resisting this process, embrace
it, garnering its wisdom. Go deep inside and discover the positive
intent that is held in your experience. What is it trying to show
you that you have not been willing to look at? If you can go through
your 'stuckness', you can find unexpected insights and gifts in the
apparent darkness. Self-judgment also intensifies issues of self-worth and feelings of separation. You are intrinsically worthy. Become aware of anything that suggests you are not worthy to receive all that you desire. Self-judgment can seriously hamper your evolution. Love yourself. Remember: beliefs that are ready to be transformed show you the way through their shadows. Be willing to follow your process into seeming darkness and discomfort, to find the gifts being offered there. Blue Night can help to show you that apparent enclosures and limitations are only opportunities to learn. Blue Night may also signal an unconscious fear of change, from deep core issues to the fear of life's lessons. A unique opportunity beckons and transformation awaits; where the illusions of fear have been separated from consciousness, the gifts of integration and wholeness are found. What appears to be contraction into self will eventually bring you full circle, like the in-yang symbol, into a more fluid and expanded state. Going deep within, Blue Night teaches you its greatest truth: what is contained in darkness holds the greatest potential for light. |
One of the shadows of Yellow Seed is acting as the unawakened seed, the sleeper who wants to remain protected and invulnerable. In this shadow you may think you are serving yourself through this illusion of safety and security. Yet if you maintain distance from the world of possibilities outside your shell, your new horizons are kept at a distance. Take a risk, and reveal all that you are! Beyond the confines of definitions and self-concepts and the security of everyday patterns, the excitement of unknown possibilities beckons. Examine how protective limitations affect your natural growth. Such issues are reflected in phrases like, "My world works just the way it is"; "I can't do that"; "I'm just fine the way I am"; or "I feel too inadequate." The sae wall that is intended to create safety and security also builds a barrier that limits Spirit from creating new possibilities in your life. One way to access the transformation offered in the shadow of Yellow Seed is to realize that the seeds - your dreams, desires, and destiny - lie waiting within you to be awakened. In accepting that you are the fertile ground, you feel the authentic safety and security within, and the outside world becomes ripe with new possibilities. |
Red Serpent represents the reptilian brain. This part of the brain thrives on routine, pattern and predictability. If you are in the shadow of Red Serpent, you may be living your life on "automatic pilot," appearing to be separated from choices motivated by your Essence Self. Utilitze the power of Red Serpent to create spontaneity and novelty, freeing the predictability of the routine and habitual. The shadow of Red Serpent can also be seen as adherence to cultural beliefs. One example of this is having the "right" diet, car, house, meditation practice, and so on. Another is wanting others to fit your picture of desirability or fulfill your desires, in order to create a feeling of security and self-worth. Transform these patterns. Discover your own intrinsic motives. Sense the novel choices available to you. Practice making decisions intuitively and spontaneously. You are being asked to connect instinct with essence. Another shadow of Red Serpent is being attached to the physical body or being enmeshed in sensual desires. Perhaps you identify so much with your body and how it looks that you think your body is you. This can support the illusion of separation from your Essence Self. Work with the issues and physical desires held within your body. Step aside from your self-judgements and issues of sexual expression. Utiltize Red Serpent to fully experience sexuality in alignment with love. See the body as a sacred tool for transformation. Step aside from judging the sexual preferences and expressions of yourself and others. Hidden in the dark recesses of this shadow are issues of sexual dysfunction, sexual harassment, rape, sexual abuse, and the fear around AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases. Red Serpent offers transformation and healing. Revealed in these shadow issues of sexuality is a desire for deeper union, love, and intimacy. Some people feel intimacy only during infatuation or romantic interludes and lovemaking; however, intimacy is the mutual connection between essences. It is the ability to acknowledge the depths of another person, and it can be fostered through many kinds of sharing, including that of feelings and vulnerabilities, warmth and affection, and hopes and fears. Explore what it means to be intimate with another, remembering that intimacy is an open door to higher state of consciousness. The transformation offered in this shadow is found in
learning to love yourself and others unconditionally. |
If you find yourself disturbed by or denying any painful processes, be willing to look at how you might embrace death. Death is a natural part of transformation. Sometimes we are brought to experience symbolic deaths such as loss, divorce, illness, or separation from others. Embrace these seemingly dark or difficult experiences; they will release you from attachments and expectations, clearing you to more fully receive the light. If you find yourself in a dark corner of depression or despair, White World-Bridger offers you a lifeline, a way out. Allow your burdens to be lifted into the sweet release and forgiveness of White World-Bridger. Don't give up. There is always someone somewhere who can help you. Reach out to a friend, a loved one, a therapist. Know that you are comforted and supported in love's unconditional embrace. Another shadow of White World-Bridger is the desire to be in control, which can move into fear of death. This fear may be expressed as an imbalance in your physical, mental or emotional well-being, or as an exaggerated focus on the body, health, money or addictive activities. Look at the consequences and possibilities that would be presented by your symbolic death. The transformation offered in White World-Bridger is found in surrender, release and forgiveness. Through awareness and clear intention, old patterns can magically shift, offering you a loving hand that shows a new way. |
In the shadow of Blue Hand are spiritual distractions and resistances. As you hit 'growth edges', you can experience issues and resistance to revealing your true beauty and power. On your path, you will always be offered access to tools and further initiations. Think back to a time when you were offered such a gift, to a time when you embarked on a new quest or possibility. Remember the feeling of spiritual grace that accompanied that gift. Watch for other such openings that will be offered. They may appear in unusual circumstances. You may even find them in times of emotional crisis and amidst unusual access to hidden potentials. Becoming aware of these initiatory portals opens the door to guides and allies. It can also break the spell of distractions and reactive behaviours. Another shadow of Blue Hand is difficulty in completing things. Completion is especially difficult if you feel inadequate or displeased with the possible outcome of your efforts. If you take on too much, you may become too pressured and scattered to finish. You may also relish the creative process but lose motivation because of hidden issues or what appears as the hard work required to finish. Completion becomes easier if you allow yourself to be excited and satisfied by the steps along the way. Another shadow of Blue Hand is not having the desire and discipline needed to master a tool (such as meditation, healing, or some aspect of the creative arts). It is important to remember that committment, focused intent, and openness are all necessary to the acquisitions of any new skill. A related shadow of Blue Hand is in believing that the tool has the power. However, tools are simply vehicles for your connection with the Divine. Do you think your ability to access information using such things as tarot cards and astrology charts come from the symbols or system? The tool simply provides a means for you to focus, to open to the truth being revealed through the metaphor. If you are overidentified and attached to your tools - books, crystals, symbols, systems and so on - you may believe the power is outside yourself. Open to the clarity of your mystical nature. You are the tool through which Spirit speaks. You are the open vessel in which the light can play. |
One shadow of Yellow Star is believing in an exclusive
path or that there is only one true or right system to bring you to
enlightenment. However, your personal path is unique. Listen and learn
from all teachers, but know that it is up to you to integrate their
wisdom into your own truth. The wise way show-er encourages you to
be open to all teachings, to follow your own heart's path. |
One shadow of Red Moon is the tendency to float in the river of forgetfulness, feeling separate from clear awareness and guidance. Due to the influence of the collective trance, you may have unthinkingly accepted the beliefs and values of your culture. Because of the illusion of separation from the Divine, this trance may have deepened your experience of forgetting. Another shadow aspect of Red Moon is the tendency to direct your life primarily on the desires and needs of your ego instead of opening to the guidance of your Essence Self. Choices at your "growth edge" may feel unsure, for they transform your beliefs on your journey toward wholeness. Your intuitive guidance and internal proddings will trigger remembrance of what seems to have been forgotten. Pay attention to any sensory signs, any guidance that gives you strong feelings. In the larger pattern of cosmic communication that is available in each moment, these signs are painted everywhere. Be the translator-beacon. Let Red Moon awaken the interpreter within you who decodes such signs. Let Red Moon assist you in clearly understanding your perceptions. Remembrance is a natural process. Use it naturally, without becoming obsessed with it. Being overly concerned with remembrance can actually hamper your process. Also be aware of any tendency to look to others for information about your remembrance. As fellow journeyers, we catalyze each other; however, you are the one who truly knows. Don't get lost or confused by looking outside yourself. Another shadow of Red Moon is self-deprecation. In this shadow you may feel like hiding your light so that it limits you from being seen as the beacon you truly are. This tendency can stem from your shy or wounded inner child, whose sensitivity may have been suppressed thorugh life experiences. This may create a desire to withdraw or feelings of aloneness and insecurity. On the other side of this shadow, you may be overidentified with being the beacon for others. Such issues show you what is between you and the clear expression of all that you are. Self-criticism may be supported by internal self-talk, which brings to awareness the negative self-judgements that have been separated unconsciously into shadow. You have picked up your internal critic from the judgements of a critical world. Red Moon invites you to heal the inner critic. Take the blinders off. Make a conscious effort to reframe self-talk that is self-diminishing. Be aware of your response to the judgemental and critical remarks of others. Allow relationships with others to support your fullest expression. As you stand in your own light, you will naturally fulfill that which you came here to do.
Do you feel caught up in the emotional drama of life?
White Dog asks you to take an honest look at repetitive or obsessive
roles. The charged emotions in these roles are often associated with
anger, fear, or jealousy. White Dog offers you a different experience
of yourself - that of the objective 'witness' who can choose,
rather than being drawn into charged emotional reactions. You can
feel the liberation of observing your life from varied positions.
At the same time, befriend the emotional, reactive part of yourself
by examining its underlying issues and their emotional source. |
There are many facets to Blue Monkey's shadow. The most
common of these is not seeing the humour in life's experiences. If
you take life too seriously, humour may offer the relief of an unexpected
point of view. Follow your divine child, and you will be shown how
to "play" your way through any apparently difficult situation.
Humour is a great healer and teacher, and a wonderful way to lighten
up about enlightenment. |
The shadow of Yellow Human holds issues of lack, which can manifest as insufficiency or emotional neediness. In your natural state of being the receptive chalice, you may experience separation, being fearful of material, physical, or spiritual lack. Perhaps you are holding onto subconscious patterns about lack - how there is "never enough" love, support, attention, time or money. In this shadow, you may see your chalice as being half empty instead of half full. Examine and change these beliefs and programs! In your process of fulfillment, your beliefs are all that can limit you. There are many ways to work with these shadows of insuffiency. Subliminal tapes and affirmations are one means. Transpersonal approaches such as process-oriented psychology, gestalt, shamanism, or Jungian dreamwork can also help. Perhaps you project these feelings, believing that someone else is responsible for your lack. If so, remember that no one else can fill your cup. Only you and Spirit can do that. Look at how you can be more self-nurturing. Take inventory to discover what brings you joy and fulfillment; whatever that is will also bring you abundance. Working with Yellow Human can change your subconscious attitudes and bring profound insights. Another shadow of Yellow Human is undervaluing your intellect. In a society that has a tendency to overvalue the rational mind, you may have inadvertently limited your ability to receive the intuitive gifts of heart-knowing and higher mind. Or perhaps you don't fully appreciate the function of your mind, having a tendency to feel inadequate about your intellectual abilities. Yellow Human asks you to befriend the mind - to embrace its magnificence and its ability to help you become a fully realized human being. In another shadow of Yellow Human, you may not fully understand what it means to be human. Perhaps you judge yourself as not having realized your full potential. In the illusion of human limitation, you may be surprised to discover what the realized human is designed to do. Being in human form at this time is a unique and precious gift. In this age, you have chosen to participate in a great miracle, and you can utilize your human form to experience fully this unique opportunity! Yellow Human is preparing your circuits for complete transformation, readying them to receive the high-frequency pulses of the full embodiment of essence from Spirit. |
In the shadow of Red Skywalker is the tendency to hold onto the limited reference points of your beliefs, patterns, and identities. Your reality is maintained by these beliefs, which may be viewed as set reference points. When your reference points change, so does your reality. As you explore unfamiliar territory, your points of reference become open and fluid. This can be perceived either as frightening or exciting. Experiencing fluid reference points can feel like floating weightless in space. However, you also feel delight as you discover the depth of your changed perspective, knowing that you have been touched by the Divine. In the shadow of Red Skywalker, you may also feel anxious, uncomfortable, or fearful of moving into the unknown. You may have issues of looking at the shadow of self. The word courage in French means being 'at heart.' Find the courage to move through what seems difficult or uncomfortable. Take heart, skywalker! Red Skywalker offers a loving hand to lead you into the unknown. Being anchored in a secure sense of self and Source creates a lifeline for the journey. Another shadow of Red Skywalker may be the desire to withdraw from the world. Once you have been deeply touched by the light, you may yearn for the experience again. You may feel difficulty coping with the "abrasive edges" of daily life created by old perceptions. Do you feel like a hermit? Perhaps you find yourself spending much of your time in isolation, withdrawing into meditative, intellectual, artistic, or fantasy pursuits. If so, look deeply at your hidden needs, the root source underlying your issues or reactions. Learn to create a balance between solitude and service. Discover and satisfy your true spiritual desires, and create joy in your everyday work and play. Help to bring the light of heaven into the world. If you feel discouraged, draw even more light into yourself. An angelic messenger offers you unconditional strength, love, and courage. If you feel isolated, walk into service, sharing the compassion of your light and love. The transformation offered in this shadow has to do with balance. Take time in solitude for your own inner work and spiritual nurturance, and fulfill the commitment to outer work and service. Create a balance between being in the world and being a skywalker. |
One shadow of White Wizard can be seen in issues regarding integrity. Integrity comes from an intention to be honest and true to yourself and others. Having integrity means that you can be trusted to do what you say you will do. It also means that your actions are congruent with your feelings. Integrity comes from a deep connection with self. It is characterized by a willingness to speak your truth, to address your shadow issues honestly, and to complete issues with yourself and others. White Wizard also reveals issues of control and personal power. Look into your life to see how these issues might be manifesting. Do you sometimes feel a need to hold on, to control, to have things your way? Is your personal will combined with a desires for recognition, approval, status, or fame? This society may have rewarded you for functioning from a place of personal power. Many people in this shadow seem calculating and controlling, using their minds without alliance to their hearts. The need for control arises when you feel insecure or no longer connected to that which creates meaning and satisfaction in your life. Similarly, people who view power as something outside themselves may see magic as the art of controlling people and nature. This perception creates it's own lessons. In this shadow, you may unconciously bend or distort data. Some magicians may even feel justified in using their personl power to bolster their self-assurance or to manipulate others. In the darkest part of this shadow, manipulation is enacted for the sheer pleasure of power. Everyone may be willful from time to time while learning how to align personal will with divine will. In this process, let your heart show you the way. Face your insecurities and step into who you truly are - a wise and powerful uman being, a magician of living. As you open to divine will, you will naturally resolve issues of personal will and power. White Wizard also offers you an opportunity to create allies out of your fears and insecurities. Perhaps you are carrying issues from past lifetimes - deep wounds that create present issues of pain, anger or betrayal. These experiences may be clouding your vision. In order to acquire clear sight, begin to interact with and integrate these shadow teachers. The foundation for this integration is creating an ally of fear and a loving acceptance of all aspects of yourself. This heals the underlying structure that supports ego and insecurity. It also quiets the mind and aligns it with the heart, taking you into a space of clarity and self-empowerment. Develop a clear connection with divine will and your Essence Self. Be transparent, innocently allowing magic to come through you rather than needing to create it. Open to heart-knowing and limitless possibilities. |
The energy of Blue Eagle asks you to believe in yourself and believe in your dreams and visions, no matter how they may be perceived by others. You are the eagle's vision. One shadow of Blue Eagle is a loss of hope, excitement, or joy in your life. This can stem from a reaction to mass consciousness or from the precipitous state of the world. In your deep desire to effect change, you may feel overwhelmed in a vast ocean of consciousness that seems hopelessly enmeshed in issues of separation, limitation, and judgement. If so, remember that elements of this enormous field are often attracted to your personal dreamfield for healing. These duality constructs are deeply rooted on the planet. Don't be discouraged. The global mind is in the process of a profound transformation. As you heal these issues within yourself, you offer gifts of healing to the larger reality. Do not underestimate the power of your personal transformation and its effect on planetary mind: "Gaia, as you awaken, I heal myself. As I awaken, you are healed." This wondrous pool of planetary consciousness is full of archetypal mysteries, hopes, dreams, and fears. Some beings may feel that their personal world is 'falling apart' as their lives expand into the larger dream. Sometimes this feeling manifests as hopelessness, which may even lead to a desire to leave the Earth. Remember, you are in human form for a divine reason! You have chosen this form in order to participate in the great miracle! Walk with ease in commitment to your destiny. Allow yourself to explore and play compassionately as a planetary server. You are the emissary of the great change. In the shadow of Blue Eagle, you may also be so obsessed by finding your "purpose" that you miss seeing how simple it can be. Your purpose can be as simple as expressing love and light - and that is enough! Take heart. There are great gifts being offered for your participation in healing the global mind. Another shadow of Blue Eagle is when your purpose as a planetary server becomes a messianic obsession, creating a 'rescuer complex'. This may also be seen in self-sacrificing behaviour, an inability to say no, or an attachment to rescuing others. In this shadow, your desire to serve needs to be tempered with self-nourishment and sustaining rest. If you neglect your personal needs and desires and do not allow time for joy and rest, you may feel depleted and lacking. Hold yourself in the same compassion as you hold the world. Strive to keep your personal needs in balance with planetary service. Fill your personal cup. Take loving care of yourself, and your cup will naturally overflow to empower your work with others. Believe in yourself! Remember the purpose and commitment you have in the larger pattern. |
A major shadow of Yellow Warrior is a lack of trust
in your inner voice. Oftentimes, in listening for the roar of a lion,
you may not perceive the more subtle messages given by Spirit. Divine
communication directs transformations on a cellular level, outside
the realm of cognition. Self-doubt and fear are blocks to such trust.
By creating electrochemical charges and holographic residue in your
system, they can block access to cosmic communication. Your true self
is always in direct contact with cosmic consciousness. Trust in your
ability to receive clear inner teaching. Attune yourself to the vibration of love, and your clear intent will attract the cosmic consciousness you seek. |
In this shadow it may seem difficult to be in the present moment. Instead of being tuned into "channel central," you may be tuned into the channel for shopping lists, relationship dramas, fantasies, regrets about the past, and worries about the future. Center yourself in the present moment! This is where you can most beneficially observe the synchronicities and revelations about your personal pattern and larger purpose. From here your mind can learn to be keenly observant, allowing the larger pattern to take shape as naturally as the small brushstrokes that eventually comlete a beautiful painting. Often in the shadow of Red Earth, you may feel "out of sync" with the world around you. If you feel physically, mentally, or emotionally "off," remember that you may actually be in a process of realignment. Allow for synchronization with the new, expanding pattern. Affirm "I am one with the galactic heartbeat that aligns the core of my being into the crystalline core of Earth and through all realities and dimensional fields." Another shadow of Red Earth is being disassociated from the Earth and your body. Are you overidentified with seeing yourself as a star being, an alien, or a walk-in? Everyone on this planet is both an Earth child and a celestial being! Remember that your issues create judgement of your earthly existence and your personal growth process. Remember that you chose to assist in the Earth's transformation at this time, in order to utilize the unique benefits of this experience for your own spiritual unfoldment. Embrace this opportunity to explore and discover and to work through any denial or issues of your physical, earthly self. Strive to transform all crystallized thoughts, beliefs, and judgements into fluid consciousness. By accepting your physical form and your growth process in the world, you access a hub of centeredness out of which all the truth and magic of the universe unfold. Take off your shoes. Touch the one Earth. Find a place to dance with the sacred hoop of life. Contribute your vision as an awakened member of the global rainbow family! Sit in relationship with the energies of the Earth, as a shaman would sit in a forest. Take time to listen to the information being transmitted through your feet. Walk into your life. Find and do what gives you joy. From this place of centeredness, magical happeningsn spring and synchronicity abounds, helping you to access cules to the cosmic puzzle. Remember, you hold the Earth within you. You are the global family, the deeper of the Earth's garden. |
Have you unconsciously created a reality in which you seem lost or confused? In this shadow, you may feel enmeshed in the illusions of the hall of mirrors. Remember that the only real power the hall of mirrors has is your belief that its grand illusions are real! On Earth, we presently live on a holographic playing field made of the elements of time and space. This field draws to itself the density and mass necessary to form a three-dimensional reality. All phenomena within it are images that appear for our learning and growth. Since each of us is a hologram of light within the larger hologram, getting lost in fear, judgement, and denial can certainly appear to be "real", but it is really only an illusion. The essential mind is silent, still, empty - hence, incapable of getting lost. The transformation offered in this shadow is found by being mindful. Meditate and pray for the reestablishment of your direct connection to Spirit. Become quiet and still. Imagine yourself floating timelessly in the center of the star-glyph White Mirror, receiving divine wisdom. Cut away with clear discrimination. Forgive and release yourself and others. Enter into the timeless truth of the spiritual warrior. Another shadow transformation of White Mirror may be found in seeing yourself clearly in the mirrors of the world and other people. Using others as mirrors allows you to experience hidden truths about yourself. Ask for honest feedback from friends you trust. Risk hearing the truth about yourself. Openly observe the events in your life to see how they can be used to better understand who you actually are. One of the most self-limiting illusions is the belief that one's own view of reality is the only one. This often causes the mirror of the world to reflect back to you your "unseen" shadow, and when you see this shadow, it can produce a judgement or reaction. Such emotionally charged situations usually have two poles or positions. When you believe that only you are right, both poles remain charged and fixed. For a moment, experiment with letting go or changing your position. As you loosen your hold and step aside, the "other position" or person is freed to change as well. Understand that judgement and acceptance are two sides
of the same mirror - the transparent mirror of ascension. |
In the shadow of Cauac are held issues of spiritual
separation. Cauac bridges the time and space between physical and
nonphysical realities. This space can be viewed as a wall or veil
between you and the Creator. The intensity of your desire to go 'home'
is often met with equal force from the collective belief in separation.
At times, you may even experience a sense of despair and helplessness
over the apparent gap between you and Spirit. However, that which feels like it has been lost returns
when you forgive yourself. Accept your human process, freeing the
power and potential that has been locked in your fear-based emotions.
Accept your behaviours as part of your learning experience. Let go
of the rigid belief systems and judgements that hold denial in place. |
In the shadow of Yellow Sun, you may be unaware of or
feel disconnected from your own true nature. Thus, the light of Yellow
Sun reflects your shadow's potential. On this journey, you are being
offered release from all past identities, lifetimes, and karma. This
process retrieves any separated parts of self, restoring all potential
into the union of wholeness. By facing and integrating your shadows,
you can free yourself into the greater constellation of being.
These excerpts are from the book, "The Mayan Oracle - Return Path to the Stars" by Ariel Spilsbury & Michael Bryner - Click here to email Ariel and purchase a signed copy! Ariel gave me permission to re-print parts of her book here - thank you Ariel! |