Blue Lunar Night
Tone 2: Lunar - Relationships & Polarity
Blue Night is your Conscious
Self - who you are and who you are becoming. Blue
night is the dark mystery within, the journey into self, that place
to which you can always retreat to garner the gifts of your process
subjectively. You are being asked to enter into and explore your process
subjectively. Blue Night is the immense field of potential found in
the depths of human emotion and feeling. The touch of Blue Night is
like the moment you crawl into bed and feel yourself surrounded by warmth,
darkness and peace.
Blue Eagle is your Higher Self & Guide. Blue Eagle reminds you to step powerfully into your commitment
as a planetary server! Your assignment includes whatever furthers your
personal evolution and the evolution of global mind. You are an awakener,
a transformer, an empowered gloal visionary. In your vision, you have
compassion for others, and your decisions are made in the light of global
consciousness. Ask yourself how you might experience compassion toward
self, the Earth, and others. Be guided towards types of work, relationships,
places to live, and projects that will benefit the Earth and her creatures.
Allow your spirit to expand. Soar on your spreading wings and planetary
perspective. Affirm: "Through your, Gaia, I am also transformed!
I am awakening as the return of divine love and light. We are all one.
Gaia, as you awaken, I heal myself. As I awaken, you are healed, and
together our petals open ecstatically to the new Sun of Flowers."
White Mirror represents the Hall of Mirrors, where you
can face your own reflection and see the truth about yourself. As a
mirror, White Mirror merely reflects what is, whether truth, beauty
or illusion. Here you can face unfinished business, the dissonance of
difficulties, or charged issues that would keep you from the full expression
of your Divinity. Become aware of any illusions or distortions within
yourself; your clarity of perception will transform them. Take a moment
to see yourself as you actually are, shadow and all,
freed from the maze of mental illusion. The colour for White Mirror is reflective silver. Silver
symbolizes the lunar intelligence of intuition and receptiveness, the
mirrored illusions of duality and multiplicity. In the larger pattern,
all thigns are reflections of the greater reality. Silver offers a glimpse
of the Great Mystery, the reflection of things as they really are. To
access the qualities and teachings of White Mirror, utilize silver.
Red Skywalker represents your Challenge and Gift. With maturity and awareness this challenge will turn into a Focus. This is what you desire to learn in this lifetime. In the shadow of Red Skywalker is the tendency to hold onto the limited reference points of your beliefs, patterns, and identities. Your reality is maintained by these beliefs, which may be viewed as set reference points. When your reference points change, so does your reality. As you explore unfamiliar territory, your points of reference become open and fluid. This can be perceived either as frightening or exciting. Experiencing fluid reference points can feel like floating weightless in space. However, you also feel delight as you discover the depth of your changed perspective, knowing that you have been touched by the Divine. In the shadow of Red Skywalker, you may also feel anxious, uncomfortable, or fearful of moving into the unknown. You may have issues of looking at the shadow of self. The word courage in French means being 'at heart.' Find the courage to move through what seems difficult or uncomfortable. Take heart, skywalker! Red Skywalker offers a loving hand to lead you into the unknown. Being anchored in a secure sense of self and Source creates a lifeline for the journey. Another shadow of Red Skywalker may be the desire to withdraw from the world. Once you have been deeply touched by the light, you may yearn for the experience again. You may feel difficulty coping with the "abrasive edges" of daily life created by old perceptions. Do you feel like a hermit? Perhaps you find yourself spending much of your time in isolation, withdrawing into meditative, intellectual, artistic, or fantasy pursuits. If so, look deeply at your hidden needs, the root source underlying your issues or reactions. Learn to create a balance between solitude and service. Discover and satisfy your true spiritual desires, and create joy in your everyday work and play. Help to bring the light of heaven into the world. If you feel discouraged, draw even more light into yourself. An angelic messenger offers you unconditional strength, love, and courage. If you feel isolated, walk into service, sharing the compassion of your light and love. The transformation offered in this shadow has to do with
balance. Take time in solitude for your own inner work and spiritual
nurturance, and fulfill the commitment to outer work and service. Create
a balance between being in the world and being a skywalker. Yellow Warrior, the galactic
guide, is a mystic ferryman on the return path to the stars; allow Yellow
Warrior's staff to ferry you to the spiraling vortex of cosmic consciousness.
Yellow Warrior is the grace of the descent of the dove. Embody the mystic
gift of trust in direct guidance. Through trust, you journey to the
place of 'no time' and limitless light. There you will undergo the transformations
to embody solar heart and mind. The number for Yellow Warrior is sixteen, the number of
unity with the cosmic foundation of resonant evolution. As you embody
the ferryman's staff, you become anchored in your connection to cosmic
consciousness. Holding within you the foundational steps of the trinity,
you carry the "Christed one" into the world. As a living mystic,
you are the conduit of the spiraling galaxies that creates a union with
cosmic consciousness. Sixteen may also be seen as the beginning of another
octave - a higher octave characterized by organic balance and the new
Earth under your feet.
Loom of reality, sacred twins, cooperation, relationship, polarity of male and female, duality. Two is the ray of polarity: the sacred twins, smoky mirror and the clear reflection, all things in relationship. Polarity is the loom on which reality is strung, the magnetic dance of universal forces. Within the mirror of polarity, you will find the many faces of illusion, as well as ultimate freedom from illusion. Polarity reveals your conflicts, struggles, and the apparent separation created by your beliefs in duality. Examine your attractions and aversions. Discover the loom of reality that is intricately woven in relationship. Utilize the teachings that are held in the number two. Polarized positions actually work in cooperative alliance. In cooperation, all polarities serve as backgrounds for full appreciation of one another and the whole. Also examine the polarity of male and female within yourself. Explore your divine feminine and masculine aspects. Look for the gifts within your relationships. Invesitage the polarities within them, and explore the natural lines of force and growth they create. Remember, polarity is the pulse of Universal Source! *** These excerpts were taken from the book, "The Mayan Oracle - Return Path to the Stars" by Ariel Spilsbury & Michael Bryner - Click here to email Ariel and purchase a signed copy! |