Magical Sayulita, Mexico...

Looking for a beautiful, warm, expansive experience in a foreign country?


The Plaza in Sayulita


Carrecitos Beach - powerful!


I manage a very sweet little casa - if you are interested in renting it by the week or month please let me know. You can check it out here


A good friend of mine here in Sayulita has just started an all-inclusive luxury yoga, meditation, pilates, massage retreat - it looks AMAZING!

Santosa Retreat

Please tell Graziella that Tracey sent you - muchas gracias! Or email me for more details at oasis* (the * is an @)


Need a pretty Mosquito Net?


Hi all! I just started sewing for the first time since home-ec class in Grade 8 and I'm sooooo excited. Since I've moved to Mexico my world is super infused with colour and I'd love to share that colour and inspiration with you, too!

My etsy store is teeny tiny right now but I'm sewing up a storm so check back - I'll ship anywhere in the world, of course....


Expanding and reorganizing these pages poco a poco