The whole world is currently in a Blue Resonant Storm Year
(the seventh year in the current 13 year cycle)
July 26, 2012 to July 25th, 2013
and the theme for this year is....
Freedom and the practical application of your mystical power!
Storm urges you to blast away limiting situations that are not in alignment
with your true essence self so that the invisible wall that was keeping you
from being personally free crumbles you can step into your new found
...And the theme poem for the year was brought to my attention by the lovely Laura L Aalto:
Bring the pure wine of
love and freedom.
But sir, a tornado is coming.
More wine, we'll teach this storm
A thing or two about whirling.
translated by Shahram Shiva
7 - Resonant - Mystical
Blue Storm - Cauac
Last year, with White Rhythmic Wizard we were called to balance seemingly opposite energies within us, bringing them together and bridging them: Our divine male and female selves, our sense of responsibility vs. personal freedom, the need for outer recognition vs. inner recognition and retaining a sense of individuality in all our relationships while still being in a sharing, giving relationship - all the while aligning our heads with our hearts. Sigh...tall order! This year, with Blue Resonant Storm things have heated up. I just looked at the astrological chart for July 26th, 2012 and the main aspect that stands out is that Pluto is squaring both Uranus and Mars. (while Uranus and Mars oppose each other in Aries and Libra respectively). How appropriate that these three planets are locked in a battle during a Blue Storm year since Blue Storm is ruled by both Uranus and Pluto: dynamic sudden, lightning-like transformation. The world desires to transform and it starts with each of us individually! I like how Resonant energy is testing us....Resonant (tone 7) is a very soft, meditative, plugged-in to Source energy but it also encourages us to show our stuff. We have been raising our energies, we have become mystically powerful and now is the time to bring this into the world, to manifest our ideals in a practical manner. One can sit on the mountain plugging in to Source forever but now is the time to bring what we've learned into our lives, make it physical, manifest our mystical power! Perhaps the transforming energy of Blue Storm is just what is needed to catalyze this powerful individual manifestation... A Seemingly Insurmountable Wall.....Breakthrough.....Free to Manifest your Power! Now, let's look more closely at the western astrology aspects of the year. Visualize this: Pluto in Capricorn on the right in the most important position, making a square to Uranus in Aries up top, and also making a square to Mars in Libra down below. The 'missing leg' of the big square shape is in Cancer. What we have is a tippy three-legged table....we need to put some energy into the missing Cancer leg to bring some stability to this energy. Interestingly, the compliment of Blue Resonant Storm is Yellow Sun, which dovetails nicely with Cancer since they both encourage Unconditional Love for yourself and others. So remember this as the year goes kind, first, to your Self!! Don't be so hard on yourself. Give yourself a break. Then, because you are unconditionally loving yourself you will radiate unconditional love to all those around you... So this T-Square between Uranus, Mars and Pluto encourages all the Blue Storm qualities, listed below (especially for people with planets in Cancer, Capricorn, Aries and Libra) well as watching out for ego issues with others and power struggles...there may be some relationship that is pressing your buttons and making you angry. Intense emotions in any of your relationships will show you where you are needing more freedom in your life and Blue Storm (and Pluto) is right there to help you transform and be a positive agent of change. Something that needs to change that you make the changes instead of circumstances making the changes for you (although that can be good, too!) I like what Robert Hand has to say about the energy of Uranus and Mars opposing: "Uranus opposite Mars can represent a time when your efforts to liberate yourself from unnecessary and inhibiting restrictions start to succeed. Now you can really feel that you are becoming free of these bonds. Your life may take a new tack that represents a radically new direction for you and you will be able to act with mnore freedom and self-determination." Fits perfectly with Blue Storm energy doesn't it? Oh and here's what he says about Uranus and Pluto squaring: "The effect of this transit is to sweep away all the old and outworn structures that you have built up in your life. Pluto is the principle of death and regeneration, which is now combined with the Uranian principle of sudden change. The effect of the combination can be to create a total revolution in your life. (very Blue Storm too eh?!) The drastic changes you encounter now may be partly the result of social and economic forces beyond your control. You may even feel like an unfortunate puppet moved by historical events. But these forces, even though they appear to be impersonal, play a vital role in your individual development. Accept this as a challenge to you as an individual, and allow the old order and old ideas to pass away. This will pave the way for your rebirth into a new way of life, where you will have the opportunity to be more alive." Wow! You may want to read up on what Uranus in Aries is all about since this energy plays a big part his year (go here to read about Uranus in Aries) Now, let's go back to visualizing the aspecting planets. From the important Pluto placement comes two more aspects: Pluto sextiling Neptune and Pluto sextiling the Moon in Transformative Scorpio....this kind of makes a Kite shape with Pluto at the nose (all energy directed at Pluto: Transformation) and the tail back in Cancer (Yellow Sun unconditional love) I feel that these harmonious, easy aspects to Neptune and the Moon dovetail well with the Resonant energy available....during these times of intensity, change and deep transformation we can always plug ourselves in to our higher selves, Source, our guides to re-charge our batteries...we are soooooo supported at this time! And the Scorpio Moon shows an emotional curiousity and investigativeness...emotionally, we are ready for this transformation. Yes! Lastly, let's not forget that Blue Monkey is guiding our whole Blue Resonant Storm year reminding us to lighten up and guiding us towards playfullness and spontaneousness... Whew, this is quite
the year! Resonant
energy encourages time spent in lush, green Nature to plug in and re-charge
our batteries..... |
Shadow Wisdom
of Blue Storm Do you feel insecure about taking risks? Are you uncertain about making choices? Have you hit a growth edge or an invisible wall? Perhaps you have been experiencing intense feelings or undefined anxieties. That is natural, for you are now in the crucible of evolution. During the major shift that is occurring, every level of your being is transforming. You may be concerned about your physical process and health. Remember to care for yourself. The intensity you feel is the quickening and purification of this time of Blue Storm. The wisdom offered in this shadow is found in embracing the teachings of your life's experience. Blue Storm brings up core issues and cleans hidden corners, revealing any separation from Source. At times, life may seem unbearably intense or difficult, and you may even desire to escape the reality of this world. This in turn can create denial and addictive patterns, which only intensify the process. In this shadow are found addictions of all kinds: to substances, fear, sex, self-doubt, material comforts, relationships, work, and others. In the shadow of Blue Storm, you may even experience feelings of despair and the desire to give up. Be encouraged. You are on the frontier of the unknown! You are in the process of transformation, discovering yourself as new sacred ground. Your feelings are magnified so that you will address them and use this energy to create the ecstasy of freedom. Break through your barriers to union! The totality of this transformation challenges everything in your reality. Surrender all that perpetuates the illusion of separation. Cast these things into the fires of Blue Storm, and your true essence will rise from the ashes transformed. Embrace everything that happens to you and you will regain all the vital energy that can be applied to the purposes of evolution.
--- Now is the time to move into the Light of Blue Storm Qualities of Blue Storm: purification, transformation, reunion, light body, activation for ascension, thunderbeing, lightning path, initiation by fire, ecstasy of freedom. Blue Storm is ruled
by the combination of Aquarius/Uranus/11th house and Scorpio/Pluto/8th
house with a little Sagittarius thrown in to the mix. Blue Storm helps you move from apparent separation into reunion. You are at a crossroads. You are in the midst of a personal revolution, clearing old patterns, past experiences, judgments, memories, and expectations. You are being purified and quickened into your light body, activated for rebirth. Blue Storm prepares you to go through an apparently insurmoountable wall, and the intense feelings around this "wall" provide the very fuel that will propel you through it. These feelings are the access to your hidden power and potential. Be purified by the cleansing rain and transmuting lightning of Blue Storm. Feel the embrace of the thunderbeings. Discover the freedom of the true adventurer, the freed "actor" who can play any part at any moment without attachment. Trust your Essence Self to bring this freedom to you. Through Blue Storm, allow yourself to become a master player in the great game. You give up what you seem to be in order to become fully what you are. Only your true identity will live through these fires, for you will be reborn in the heart of All That Is. --- Harmonic Wisdom of Blue
Dream Symbolism of Blue Storm/Cauac and/or Resonant energy If your dreams are full of the following dream images or feelings you are experiencing Blue Storm! Rushing water, rain, stormy
oceans, tears/crying. Astral travel may be activated at this time too. Emotions felt while waking or dreaming: Fear, intense highs and lows, feeling ill-at-ease, uncomfortable, self-doubt, flat, excited, free! |
Astrological Significance Check your astrological
chart to see if you have transits that include Pluto and/or Uranus
- or if your Sagittarius planet is particularly activated. Blue Storm/Cauac combines the intense transformative powers of Pluto (and Scorpio) with the radical re-wiring and revelatory powers of Uranus (and Aquarius) to bring you the freedom of Sagittarius. |
Happy New Year Everybody!
See the previous White Rhythmic Wizard Year
the previous Red Overtone Moon Year
See the previous Yellow Self-Existing Seed Year
See the previous Blue Electric Storm Year
See the previous White Lunar Wizard Year
the previous Red Magnetic Moon Year
The first year of the new 13 year cycle
we are in right now - this is the Theme!
the previous Yellow Cosmic Seed Year
Personal observations, a "Egg of Potential" exercise
(good at any time) and more...
the previous Blue Crystal Storm Year
I have updated this page with personal observations about Blue Crystal
Storm's energy and how it affected me - plus a synchronistic tale about requesting
assistance and receiving it!